We left during a weird low that came with very light (5knot) southerlies and flat water. We were expecting to make a run for Drake's Bay - which is open to the south and would not stay comfy for very long if the southerlies persisted. With the low came a damp fog but it was relatively warm.
Here's Pt. Diablo (a little known point west of Kirby Cove, in the Golden Gate). Those in the know will immediatly pick out the west-dipping pillow basalts and imbricated red chert structurally overlying them. And what's that in the top of the pillow basalts but repeated flakey calcite veins - in an S orientation to the C-surface of the basalt-chert contact. Daaaamn. This is part of the Marin Headlands Terrane described in great detail by my friend John Wakabayashi as: sandstone-chert-basalt-FAULT-sandstone-chert...repeat. (For discussion of the fault veins, see Meneghini and Moore (2005) GSA Bulletin v. 19 n. 1/2 p.174-183 for explanation of fluid pressure and effective stress cycling during seismic cycle on nearby Rodeo Cove Thrust Zone.)

GGB so pretty in the fog:

The Point Bonita Lighthouse is on it's own terrane (Pt. Bonita Terrane) that is thrust over the Marin Headlands Terrane. It's an old seafloor volcano (seamount, MORB) which was thrust up into the accretionary wedge during Franciscan subduction, probaly during the late Cretaceous. Here's a pretty descriptive field trip guide to the area.)

We wore our (regretably matching, ha!) good new sailing gear from WestMarine (who since discontinued their women's line, jerks, my animosity toward WestMarine seems to have hit some kind of positive interference because it continues to grow even when I'm not shopping there) and our Mustang safety harness/PFDs. We love our inflatable PFD's which are hydrostatic, not the salt-tablet-trigger kind, so you won't accidentally inflate if a wave gets you. We bought them at the Strictly Sail Pacific after the Mustang rep let me pull the cord to try it. He must have dropped a fortune on recharge kits at $45 a pop. A "pop", get it! ha.

I had to go down for a nap just north of Cronkite Beach. I learned something about my seasickness on this trip - first day out I will get sick. For a day sail, or if I am in command, I can just muscle it and swallow a lot. Hydration helps, obviously. However - after a 2 hr nap in the seaberth I do not seem to feel sick anymore, even down below, even if it gets crappier and crappier, until I re-equilibrate to land. This is a pretty good thing to figure out - not only does it help with planning but Sila no longer complains about my napping! Woo hoo!
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