On the 11th of this month, the first Southern Right Whales were sighted off St. James. This morning I had my first look at them, 5 or 6 rolling and lolling and hanging around with flukes sticking straight out of the water! They were fantastic. They looked like they couldn't be happier or more unconcerned with the fishing boats coming and going from tiny Kalk Bay harbour. They looked like easy prey for Ishmael. I am so happy to see them.

I bought yarn for Eric's Santa Cruz Hoodie and a Team Zissou hat for my pal James. I bought olive ciabatta and butternut ciabatta at Olympia bakery and a new sleeping bag at my favorite store Cape Storm. James and I went to the Oude Moulen farm stall for a hot chai and some organic jams and honey.
I think I see a foram on the fluke, but you have to squint.
maybe that's what he was eating off the bottom when he held his fluke out like that for so long!
hey, is that a coccolith on that foram?
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