These two pictures are both taken from the north wall of the office, from either side of the bank of file cabinets. The office is L-shaped and huge. It was the department chair's office for the old PreCambrian Geology department that was later absorbed. So it has a little secretary's office adjacent, with wacky old phones, which I will now refer to as my "bike's office".
I love the bookshelves. Love love love! Can't wait until my books get here. All those rocks belong to my predecessor, they are rad ductile stuff (most of them) which I will cut up and see if I can make thin sections and start working on the teaching collection! My thin-section-ductile-structure is a bit rusty after years in mothballs at UCSC.

Oh yah, and here's a link back to when I first discovered this office with this view!!
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